Below is a small sampling of some our recent projects. Unlike our competitors sites, we do not steal photos of other projects. All of the products on this page have been produced by our team.
Super Bowl Projects!!! (2014 & 2015)
35 ft glowing Football blimp for Bud Light Super Bowl Party, New York, 2014
11 Flying Glowing Cloud Blimps for Katy Perry performance, Half time show 2015.
Below: Live Televised performance in Phoenix, AZ Feb,2 2015. Below: One of the cloud blimps in production in our warehouse.
Other live televised events...
eBlimp on Live Conan O'Brian Show
Nickelodean Kid's Choice Awards hired eBlimp Airship to deliver award winner Adam sandler on Live TV awards show.
The Filipino Chanel Awards hired (2) eBlimp RC zeppelins flying over the televised show.

Profesional Sports teams...
Anaheim Ducks have used eBlimp brand Radio Controlled Zeppelins since the 1900s!
Katy Perry Tour 2014 - 2015 used several eBlimp brand flying blimps on her recent tour
Concerts and Festivals...
eBlimp brings more excitement to the Electric Daisy Carnival through Illuminated RC Airships
Barbados Music Awards used eBlimp brand RC Dirigbles for added excitement

Nickelodean Kids Choice After Party hired eBlimp to Fly (4) RC mini Zeppelins of differnt colors.
Live Filming of Rush Concert from eBlimp RC airship with Video Camera
LA Kings have used eBlimp brand Remote Control Zeppelins for many years
Pittsburgh Penguins have used multiple flying RC airships from eBlimp
Buffalo Sabres have used eblimp RC zeppelins for advertising Subway
A Few More Big Name Brands...

Some Creative Solutions

School, Church & Non Profit Events use eBlimp electric blimps because they are afordable and safe enough to fly over children.
Research and Discovery Groups choose eblimp Remote Control Blimps due to there high performance and payload options

Schmidt Ocean Institute successfully uses eBlimp brand RC Zeppelin to watch for whales.
DLR (German Aerospace Institue) Uses eBlimp brand Radio Control Zeppelin to perform research
German aerospace Students with eBlimp outdoor electric Zeppelin
Tethered Systems...or "aerostats" made by eblimp, have uses in all fieldsfrom advertising and entertainment to security and safety.
Camden County Homeland security & Swat team use eBlimp aerostat to keep an eye on large crowded events.
Skype is one of many conmunications compaies that have used eblimp to provide aerial aerostat platforms to support video and other comunications relay equipment.
Documentation eBlimp has been used by companies throughout the world. Our custom RC tethered Aerostats can be used to precision manuever a blimp at high altitudes.

All of eBlimps airships can be internally illumminated. Our 21 ft aerostat shown here is equiped with external 50 watt LED system for outdoor lighting on this production site.
Advertising. eBlimps are mostly used for advertising. Whether tethered, or Radio control, eBlimp airships stand out for hundreds to see.
With or without advertisments, eBlimp aerostats and RC zeppelins provide an element of entertainment.
Over-seas Promotion & Advertising Agencies
Trinidad...Yes, the carribean partiers love exciting eBlimp brand RC Dirigibles.
Peru. eBlimp brand dirigibles are very popular throughout America del Sur. The only thing more exciting than watching a blimp fly in Peru, is eating Peruvian ceveche!
Singapore loves seeing this 5 meter eBlimp remote controlled blimp flying over concerts and parties.
Australia NQUAV (North Queensland UAV) uses this new LED Zeppelin with scrolling sign to record and entertain at the V8s and other fun events.
Singapore... this 4 meter indoor RC Blimp system carries a DSLR camera at parties and concerts.
Kuwait eBlimp brand RC zeppelins are found flying in the 130ยบ temperatures of Kuwait.
Israel Skyship has liscensed eBlimp RC Zeppelins for use all over Israel, indoors and outdoors.
Colombia even at the 8000 ft above sea level, in Bogota Colombia, eBlimp outperforms the other RC zeppelin companies..
Kenya Oh what a beautiful country of Kenya, and to be able to create this exciting advertising in the City of Nairobi using a 4 meter eBlimp RC Zeppelin

Dominican Republic has several eBlimp RC dirigibles control remoto from 3 - 5 metros.
Mexico is perhaps eBlimp's strongest market for RC dirigibles.

Ecuador. Nothing says fun tourism in ecuador better than an eBlimp RC dirigible.
Stage Props
Inflatable, Wearable, Robot Costume - produced by eBlimp. Yes, eBlimp produces more than just RC blimps, and zeppelins, and dirigibles, we create lots of exciting robotics and inflatables.
Inflatable cars for Katy Perry, were used in here recent tour which even included performance in the super bowl NFL halftime show.
Greenscreen flying inflatable Pig for Bottom Dollar Grocery store.
Just a few more...
Katy Perry Covergirl Lipstick Custom Shaped Inflatable RC Blimp
Katy Perry Kitty Purry Custom Shaped Champagne Inflatable RC Blimp
Katy's Taco Katy Perry Taco Custom Shaped Inflatable RC Blimp
Katy Perry Spinning emoticon Custom Shaped Inflatable RC Blimp
KP Handbag Katy Perry Purse Custom Shaped Inflatable RC Blimp
Remote Controlled Zeppelins at Nickelodean Kids Choice After Party
Tel Aviv Maccabis Use eBlimp brand Zeppelins and are the first team in Israel to have liscenced RC Zeppelins!
Columbus Blue Jackets use eblimp Airship with Live Video camera system to broadcast entertaining crowd shots
Arizona Coyotes have the Flying Growler RC Airship, custom built by eBlimp
Its not just a goodyear blimp... its Pirelli Dirigible! Faster tires need a faster Dirigible! - built by eBlimp of course.
Go Beyond! with Land Rover and an eBlimp advertising campaign. eBlimp RC Dirigibles out run the rest.
eBlimp- The blimp of the new generation!
Cricket purchased several remote control zeppelins from eBlimp - and came back for more!
eBlimp gets Lowes high! with aerial advertising on electric zeppelin!
eBlimp RC dirigible with aerial video camera and live transmitter on electric zeppelin in Barranquilla Colombia!
eBlimp Remote Control dirigible with aerial video camera and live transmitter on electric zeppelin in Bogota Colombia!
Perky Jerky folks love eBlimp so much, they bought (2) eblimp brand RC Zeppelins!
The Sportiest Cameras use the Sportiest of RC Blimps- eblimp brand RC Zeppelins!
eBlimps are great for corporate parties and tradeshows. No other minizeppelin ahs the features needed for such a show.
eBlimps love to dress up like ghosts. No other RC Zeppelin can look this agressive!
The First eBlimp to sport the LED sign was air Mozilla! equipped with the Video camera, LEDs, and printed artwork, this is truly a deluxe RC zeppelin.
Prudential hires eBlimp to fly at a corporate party in jersey. Prudential - like a rock; eblimp - Like a rocket!
The fastest RC zeppelin around!
Bottom Dollar Grocery Store custom Pig RC airships are the work of.... eBlimp!
35 ft blimp - 30 ft flag... can you say impressive power from eBlimp brand Radio Control Zeppelins?
This Scary RC Zeppelin was actually a scare-a-crow used to chase birds from a certain crop in Florida. Another eBlimp solution!
eBlimp built this spinning Evian orb which has flown high in the city of Singapore.
This Serta sheep was named Goaldie. She flew for years with the Anaheim ducks, and has been voted the most entertaining RC Airship ever!
These Flying Robots from eBlimp had blinking eyes, waving arms, and kising lips. These were the hit of the TRI phone company presentations.
Noodleman - perhaps the scariest flying bugman ever built.
This Santa's sleigh actually flew. Built from carbon fiber, 1 oz nylon, and a helium bladder was an amazing addition to the show!
Toyota has now bought (4) flying toyotas from eBlimp for use in the NHL. These custom RC Airships are a hit!
Young Life Non-Profit scored a great deal from eblimp on their indoor RC Blimp
eBlimp brand indoor RC Airships are the only brand reliable and safe enough to be flown in many churches and schools over children
Madison Badgers chose eBlimp brand RC zeppelins!
eBlimp brand indoor RC Zeppelins are safe enough to be flown over shildren in many churches and schools.
Hear Say Social uses eblimp to test autonomous flight controller designed for Radio Control Airships.
Did you se it on the news? yes , this RC Blimp made quite a show drawing thousands of viewers, on prime time news.
A close up of the Evian orb custom shaped inflatable from eblimp.
eBlimp builds high altitude RC Zeppelins to fly at high altitude snow covered ski resorts.
ColdCock Whiskey uses eBlimp brand RC Zeppelins to promote their products at shows nationwide!
Peru uses this eBlimp dirigible for traffic monitoring!
This RC dirible control remoto is advertising tourism in Mexico
Start up Companies love eBlimp RC zeppelins for quick and agressive visibility
This is the e1000B600 RC Zeppelin from eBlimp